Today's Reading: Matthew 1:18-25
I love how Scripture is weaved together so picture perfectly. Yesterday's verses focused on Mary, today's focus on Joseph. I have to confess that in years past, I've been guilty of paying little attention to Joseph's role in the story. As a woman, I am more drawn to Mary every time I read the nativity story, I am quick to put myself in her shoes and try to understand the events from her perspective. This year for the first time (perhaps because I have a righteous, devoted man in my own life now), I emphasize with Joseph. I admire him.
Here was a man who chose God's will over his own reputation .. a man who was willing to put his plans and dreams and expectations on the back burner and obey the Lord. I often think of how Mary was likely scorned and rejected by the people in her village but never paused to think that Joseph, too, would have suffered. At any point, Joseph could have chosen to run. He could have chosen revenge. He didn't. Instead, he chose to sacrifice his own well-being and humble himself. Incredible.